Customized Training Solutions

Customized Training Solutions

We realize that high executives need direct-to-the-point time-effective coaching sessions. Therefore, we do not offer the same workshop to two groups of trainees. Every program is specially customized to accommodate the special skill sets candidates need.

All our customized training solutions start with needs assessment, and a pre-task is offered to get candidates started before the workshop. This applies when conducting in-company training and small group workshops.

Our methodology in needs assessment is based on expert analysis and candidate suggestions followed by scientific review of workshop content. The outcome is a special workshop that maintains the core training themes and expands on additional skills. The goal is always to improve individual performance, and meet the unique needs of your organization.

The one-on-one and small group model we follow also allows for ad-hoc customization, even during training itself. With an industry leading expert facilitating, this maintains high quality while at the same time meets trainees’ needs.

House of Content is registered at Dubai Multi Commodities Center (DMCC).

Office 2607, 1 Lake Plaza, Cluster T, JLT. P O Box 38443, Dubai, UAE

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